eBook: Maximizing Essential Pharmacy Operations to Achieve More

eBook: Maximizing Essential Pharmacy Operations to Achieve More

Read time: 2 minutes

By: McKesson Health Systems Editorial Team

The health system pharmacy has long been viewed primarily as a cost center rather than a revenue driver. Yet with the growing trend toward outpatient care, the increased use of high-cost orphan drugs, and the availability of new tools and processes for integrating and aligning medication utilization throughout the health system, the business of pharmacy is perfectly positioned to add clinical and financial value across the entire continuum of care.

In this eBook, we outline critical strategies and considerations for maximizing your health system pharmacy operations to strengthen financial viability, generate revenue, and improve patient outcomes.

Download our newest eBook, Maximizing Essential Pharmacy Operations to Achieve More, to learn more.

To learn more about how McKesson can help you achieve more for your business of pharmacy, contact our McKesson Health Systems experts today.

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Source Link: https://www.mckesson.com/pharmacy-management/health-systems/prescribed-perspectives/ebook-maximizing-essential-pharmacy-operations-to-achieve-more/

eBook: Maximizing Essential Pharmacy Operations to Achieve More:

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eBook: Maximizing Essential Pharmacy Operations to Achieve More

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