NAB objects to FCC employment data practices
Michael P. Hill } Newscast Studio
The National Association of Broadcasters has objected to an FCC plan to start making data on individual TV and radio stations’ workforces public.
While the NAB says it does not oppose the FCC reinstating the collection of demographic information about employees using Form 395-B, it does take issue with how that data will be broken down.
The FCC has said it intended to break down data to the station level.
The NAB argues the rule could violate rules around free speech protected by the First Amendment and the equal protection clause in the Fifth Amendment.
Prior to suspending use of the form, the FCC had hoped the data collected could be compiled and used for showcasing and tracking diversity within the broadcast industry.
The form, which is part of equal employment opportunity efforts, requires stations to break down their employee rolls by race or national origin and gender and then, further, by broad job categories.
NAB objects to FCC employment data practices #NAB #objects #FCC #employment #data #practices
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NAB objects to FCC employment data practices:
Michael P. Hill } Newscast Studio
The National Associati…
NAB objects to FCC employment data practices
Michael P. Hill } Newscast Stu…
NAB objects to FCC employment data practices Michael P. Hill } Newscast Studio The National Association of…
NAB objects to FCC employment data practices